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Image by Mohamed Nohassi



I had my first encounter with Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Discipleship Bible Study which I started to join in January 2021.  I had so much “aha moments” going through the DE lessons.  The turning point of my life was when we studied “Water Baptism.”  My childhood friend (also in the group) and I got set free from the wrong teaching that we couldn’t wait to be baptized.  Since I didn’t belong to church yet that time, we decided to go a beach resort and took turns in baptizing ourselves in the name of Jesus Christ!  I truly believe now that I am a disciple of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
After my conversion, a huge unexpected blessing came which is that my relationship with my teen-age son was restored after 14 yrs.  I was able to lead my son to the Lord Jesus. Halleluia!


I am so glad that listened to the Holy Spirit to join the "Financial Stewardship" meetings.  The teachings opened my eyes to a lot of things especially regarding my finances.

The best experience I got from the sessions was being part of a group assignment, “Income Generating Project.” I discovered that I have a hidden talent in cooking and marketing. 

I've also learned other very important lessons as well which is learning the right way to pay off debts and on how to avoid loans.

I am very grateful for the unselfish devotion of our mentors in sharing their God given wisdom, for their sacrifices in waking up in the wee hours of the morning just to share the good news that Jesus provided complete redemption for us and this include our finances.


After a long time of struggling and trying to understand as to how to get away from my financial debts, I have now finally got a grip of it. I've been learning financial stewardship with my mentors, Pastors Kurt and Isabel Minott.  They’ve been teaching us how to track our finances, how to do business, how to become a blessing to others, sowing on good grounds and they let us understand that we aren't the owners of the money we got, rather, we are the stewards of it;  and a whole lot more.

Two weeks ago I sowed for the first time to Andrew Wommack Ministries just a small amount of 750.00 Pesos which is about $15.00.  Soon after, I got a text from my bank that they’ve waived all the interest of my loan.  Instead of paying 14,000 Pesos, I only owed them 8,500 pesos.  I quickly paid it off!  Glory to God, for the longest time, I am now debt free!!!”


So many changes happened in my life as a result of the weekly “Financial Stewardship” classes.  I’m more determined and positive to become financially free and enjoy the blessings that God has for me and my family.

Since then, I’ve started to be much wiser in my spending. I’m  now more intentional in recording  our daily expenses. I am now setting aside small amount for saving and emergency fund. My goal is to put  aside 500-800 Pesos in my piggy bank every month.   

I believe that financial freedom is attainable if we align ourselves with His will. I am very grateful to Pastors Kurt and Isabel and tto he rest of our guest speakers (Delron & Peggy Shirley, Rudi M and Rachel Putt).  The generosity of your hearts and wisdom encourage me to look forward for greater heights. 


"My 20 y.o son has autism.  During the Covid 19 lockdown, his temper tantrums became worse since his school schedule abruptly and unexpectedly got altered.  Attending the Healing University made me discover my identity and authority in Christ.  My son's behavior significantly changed for the better after learning to take authority over the autism!"

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